ISO 14001
In recognition of the importance of activities at business and production sites in promoting environmental management, we obtained ISO 14001 certification and have maintained the certification to this day. It is a systematic framework to manage the immediate and long-term environmental impacts of an organisation’s products, services and processes.
ISO Certificate:
Environmental Policy
The Environmental Policy of Ngai Cheong Metal Industries Sdn.Bhd. reflects the top management’s vision to continually create and provide:-
Environmental Awareness and Control in Preventing Water, Air and Land Pollution
In order to achieve this, we believe and undertake continual improvement activities by developing and maintaining:
- A result-oriented and environmental-focused workforce
- Employee empowerment and cross-functional teamwork culture
- An Environmental Management System to comply with applicable legislation and regulation relate to its environmental as well as all other interested parties’ environmental requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of this system.
Environmental Objective
The Management of Ngai Cheong Metal Industries Sdn.Bhd. has set the following objective towards the development and implementation of the Environmental Management System and as a tool to continually improving its effectiveness:
- Prevention of water pollution
- To reduce resources consumption
- To fully comply to legal and others’ requirements
- Minimize risk to environment